Thames Water – Forensic Subcontract Analysis

Adeo were engaged to conduct an Audit and Forensic Contract Analysis on an NEC3 PSSC & Subcontractor Works Package, used to engage the concurrent delivery of both the design and works packages across multiple sites and locations, to provide assurance on the contract position of the parties.

The Problem

The incorrect interpretation and application of the contract was the shortcoming of both the Main Contractor and Subcontractor alike.

Both parties had proceeded in good faith, however, contract procedures, mechanisms and timelines had not been followed by both parties, and ambiguity and interpretations surrounding various clauses required clarity.

The Solution

Adeo conducted a project deep dive, reconstructing the timeline of events and the contract data and information available and agreed upon at tender stage.

This allowed both parties to understand their contractual position, and to proceed to complete and final account the works in line with our report.

The Result

Early engagement with ADEO, has not only provided contractual piece of mind, greater cost certainty and improved stakeholder communications, but has ultimately been paramount towards mitigating future confrontation, disputes and the risk of adjudication.

Adeo have been further engaged to assist on other projects, pre and post contract, by both parties.

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